Arc Finance has established partnerships with several key organizations with specialized technical and local expertise to carry out the goals of PACE-D in India.
Evangelical Social Action Forum (ESAF) is a registered charitable society established in 1992 as a response to the social and economic needs of poor people. ESAF organizes community health solutions for the poor, and works on water sanitation, clean energy, nutrition and HIV/AIDS initiatives. Under PACE-D, Arc is supporting ESAF in scaling its energy lending program. Read the PACE-D MFI Fact Sheet on ESAF here.

Mahashakti Foundation (MSF) is registered as a trust and operates an NBFC-MFI (Non Banking Finance Company-Micro Finance Institution) known as Mahashakti Inclusive Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. MSF is based in Odisha, India, and provides a range of services to “poor and downtrodden communities.” Mahashakti works toward improving health and education; expanding renewable energy and sustainable community development; and providing microinsurance and microcredit. Under PACE-D, Arc is providing MSF with strategic advice and technical assistance to help scale its energy lending business. MSF has launched eight microgrids that target off-grid communities based in Odisha and plans to expand these efforts under PACE-D.
Saija is an NBFC-MFI (Non Banking Finance Company-Micro Finance Institution) based in the state of Bihar, India, with headquarters in Patna. Saija targets small and micro businesses, in both urban and rural settings, in the underserved geographies of Northern and Eastern India. Under PACE-D, Arc is supporting Saija to develop and scale an energy lending program. Read the PACE-D MFI Fact Sheet on Saija here.
Sarala, based in West Bengal, is a registered Section 25 not-for-profit company operating as a microfinance institution. It was established in 2006 with a mission to reduce poverty by providing high-quality financial services to low-income communities, with a particular focus on helping poor women gain access to credit. Under PACE-D, Arc is supporting Sarala to develop and scale an energy lending program. Read the PACE-D MFI Fact Sheet on Sarala here.
SV Creditline Private Limited (SVCL) is an NBFC-MFI (Non Banking Finance Company-Micro Finance Institution) operating in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, India. SVCL provides a range of financial products and services to uplift the “entrepreneurial poor.” Under PACE-D, Arc is supporting SVCL to develop and scale an energy lending program.
Swayamshree Micro Credit Services (SMCS) is a Section 25 not for profit company, operating as a microfinance institution, based in Odisha, India. Swayamshree’s mandate is to supplement the efforts of existing players in the microfinance field and to catalyze the Self Help Group (SHG) movement. Under PACE-D, Arc is supporting Swayamshree develop and scale an energy lending program.