Bandhan Konnagar is a not-for-profit society that is part of Bandhan Financial Services Ltd. (BFSL), the largest MFI in India, which provides microfinance services to 4.8 million rural women through 1,864 branches across 19 Indian states. Arc is supporting Bandhan under REMMP, a USAID-funded initiative, to develop and launch a new multi-state, energy-focused subsidiary, providing both sales and credit for end-clients.
Indian Grameen Services (IGS) is a not-for-profit company that serves as the action research, pilot testing and incubation arm of the BASIX Group, one of India’s largest financial and business development institutions focused on the poor. Arc has partnered with IGS to launch Vayam Rewable, which markets, sells and finances energy products for low-income consumers in rural communities, through REMMP, a USAID-funded initiative. Vayam also trains and supports a network of village-based solar retailer-technicians.
ECAMI is a renewable energy business based in Nicaragua that specializes in planning, system design, supply, installation and maintenance and repair services of renewable energy equipment and radio. Arc provided technical advisory services to Ecami under the auspices of the Rural Clean Energy Project: Latin America, funded by the IFC/World Bank.
Emprenda Grupo ACP is a microfinance i
nstitution with a social mission. It seeks to create and strengthen credit relations with people working together for mutual growth through productive loans, improved housing and communications. Arc provided technical advisory services to Emprenda under the auspices of the Rural Clean Energy Project: Latin America, funded by the IFC/World Bank.
Faulu Microfinance Bank, a subsidiary of the Old Mutual Group, is one of Kenya’s fastest growing banks with a network of over 80 outlets and 900 employees. The bank is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya and offers a variety of financial solutions catering to both Retail and MSME segments. With strategic advice and technical services from Arc, Faulu launched its energy lending program in 2010.
Friends of Women’s World Banking-India (FWWB-I) is an apex organization that provides loan support and program development assistance to a network that currently includes 25 microfinance and community-based organizations located throughout India. Arc Finance is partnering with FWWB-I under REMMP, a USAID-funded initiative, to create and grow a revolving credit facility for clean energy. Arc is also providing technical assistance to FWWB-I’s MFI sub-partners to finance a range of energy services.
IDEAAS is a non-profit organization, based in Porto Allegre, Brazil, that works in the field of renewable energy and social entrepreneurship. IDEAAS creates renewable energy solutions to improve the lives of families in rural or isolated areas. Arc provided technical advisory services to IDEAAS under the auspices of the Rural Clean Energy Project: Latin America, funded by the IFC/World Bank.
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank (formerly KWFT DTM),
established in 2008 as a subsidiary of Kenya Women Holding (KWH), is a Kenyan microfinance bank with over 600,000 women clients, and a network of 231 offices spread across 45 out of the 47 counties in Kenya. With strategic advice and technical services from Arc, KWFT launched its energy lending program in 2010. (Milaap) is a company that supports the growth of non-traditional microcredit products such as energy, water, sanitation, and education loans by providing inexpensive, flexible capital to Indian MFIs through the crowdsourcing of funds. Arc Finance is partnering with Milaap under REMMP, a USAID-funded initiative, to establish a low-cost revolving credit facility for innovative energy companies and MFIs engaged in energy lending in order stimulate MFI interest in the sector and reduce borrowing costs of MFI customers. Arc is also providing technical assistance to Milaap’s MFI sub-partners to finance a range of energy services including solar, clean cookstoves and microgrids.
Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF) is a microfinance organization based in the Philippines that takes a holistic approach to poverty alleviation by coupling access to finance with development services for its clients, including business and livelihood workshops, training courses, and medical and dental missions. With strategic advice and technical services from Arc, NWTF launched its energy lending program in 2010.
Simpa Networks is an energy company that markets high quality solar home systems (SHS) that are sold on a “progressive purchase” basis in Uttar Pradesh, India. Progressive purchase enables off-grid consumers to pay for solar service in flexible increments over time. Arc Finance was Simpa’s first investor and is currently partnering with Simpa under REMMP, a USAID-funded initiative, to scale its progressive purchase business model.
Sogexpress, a Sogebank Group subsidiary, specializes in money transfer payments and is the leading Western Union partner in Haiti, which has one of the lowest electricity access rates
in the world. With only 26% of the Haitian population connected to the grid, remittances offer a new solution for financing the purchase and distribution of energy devices. Arc is working with Sogexpress with the support of USAID and FOMIN/IDB to scale a remittance-based platform, which allows Haitians in the Diaspora to directly provide solar products to their families in Haiti in lieu of cash transfers.
SolarNow is a private solar distribution and service company that is delivering improved solar access to poor rural consumers in Uganda on a sustainable long-term basis at scale. Arc is partnering with SolarNow under REMMP, a USAID-funded initiative, to support the scaling of its solar retail business initiative.
Stiftung Solarenergie (Solar Energy Foundation) is a nonprofit organization based in Germany that brings affordable lighting to communities in various parts of the developing world through the use of solar home systems. Arc Finance supported Stiftung Solarenergie to develop pay-as-you-go financing business unit for clean energy in Ethiopia.